Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Chapter 5 Blessings

I am starting this Blog so we can still connect even through we are not meeting until the 7th of January.
Like our opening paragraph for chapter 5 "it is difficult to get someone's attention when they are wrapped up in their work". During this holiday season we tend to get wrapped up in whatever we are doing and forget to look around us to see God's children. I have prayed for about a week for God to show me someone who he wants me to help in some way. I can't remember the situation, but I was obedient and did something for someone. It felt so good afterwards. Wish I could remember the situation, but that is a midlife situation, ha. Anyway we are not supposed to boast, just do Gods work. Next time you are out in the community look at your surroundings, really look and you will be amazed at what you see. Sometimes I am so focused on getting the job done that I miss seeing people, not just God's children that need our attention (ask Brenda).